Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paramount Park

It seems like Spring today with the sunny skies. Today I visited Paramount Park. Covered dugouts are being built at Hillwood, Paramount, upper Hamlin and Richmond Highland parks.  According to the City, this project should be completed and ready for use by the 2010 baseball season.

Here is the construction in progress:


Janet Way said...

Thanks for doing this Blog Maryn.

Paramount Park (School Park) pictured here is one of our most popular pars. It's accessible and has lots of popular features including, walking track, Skateboard Park, playground, shelter, and even Champion Trees
(rare weeping douglas firs).

It is also a gateway to the Paramount Park Natural Area, in the ravine below several blocks south, which is a rare headwaters wetland, with one of the highest quality stream reaches in Shoreline, and beautiful habitat areas.

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